Adelbert von Chamisso

Adelbert von Chamisso was a German botanist and writer, best known for his novella "Peter Schlemihl's Miraculous Story," in which a man sells his shadow to the devil. Born in France but later emigrating to Prussia, he was also a member of the Russian expedition around the world from 1815 to 1818. Chamisso's contributions to both literature and science make him a notable figure of the Romantic period.

Adelbert von Chamisso Adelbert von Chamisso

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Table of contents

    Adelbert von Chamisso: Influential Works

    Adelbert von Chamisso was a notable German poet and botanist, whose works have had considerable influence in literature and science. This section will explore some of his most important works.

    Peter Schlemihl

    Peter Schlemihl is arguably the most famous work of Adelbert von Chamisso. Written in 1814, the novella tells the story of a man who sells his shadow to the Devil in exchange for a bottomless wallet. The tale explores themes of identity and the human soul. It’s a key text in Romantic literature.

    • The trade of the shadow symbolises a loss of identity.
    • The bottomless wallet represents material wealth but does not bring happiness.
    • The story is steeped in the Romantic tradition, emphasising emotion and individualism.

    An example of the text from Peter Schlemihl: 'He served me true, but did not bring me true happiness.'

    Further Reading: Peter Schlemihl’s story reflects Chamisso's own experiences as an immigrant. Having fled France due to the Revolutionary Wars, he found himself in Germany, grappling with his identity and place in society. The novella can be read both as a personal and universal tale of alienation and self-discovery.

    Botanical Research

    In addition to his literary contributions, Chamisso was a renowned botanist. His scientific work often intersects with his poetic sensibilities. During his time aboard the Russian exploring ship Rurik, he documented and collected numerous plant species, many of which were previously unknown to science.

    • Chamisso contributed significantly to the understanding of flora in the Pacific regions.
    • His botanical collections are still referenced by modern scientists.
    • He often named new species with poetic flair, blending his two passions.

    An example of his botanical research: Chamisso discovered a species of flowering plant native to Hawaii, which he named Brighamia insignis. This species is now critically endangered.

    Note: Many of the plants Chamisso studied are detailed in his work 'Observations and Views' which documents his scientific journey.


    Chamisso's poetry often reflects his diverse interests and experiences. His poems range from themes of nature, and identity, to the broader human condition. Much of his poetry is in line with the Romantic tradition, focusing on emotion and nature.

    • Chamisso’s poetry combines deep emotion with scientific precision.
    • His poetry often draws from his experiences and travels.
    • Notable works include Lieder und Balladen (Songs and Ballads).

    Hint: Chamisso’s poetic style is characterised by its blend of lyricism and intellectualism, reflecting his dual talents as a poet and scientist.

    Adelbert von Chamisso Biografie

    Adelbert von Chamisso was a multifaceted German poet and botanist, renowned for his literary works and scientific contributions. This section structures his biography, underlining key phases of his life and accomplishments.

    Early Life

    Born as Louis Charles Adélaïde de Chamisso de Boncourt on January 30, 1781, in Châlons-en-Champagne, France, Chamisso experienced a tumultuous childhood due to the French Revolution. His family fled to Germany, where he embraced his German heritage and adopted the name Adelbert.

    • Birth Year: 1781
    • Birthplace: France
    • Changed name to Adelbert

    French Revolution: A period of radical social and political upheaval in France from 1789 to 1799 that had a lasting impact on French history.

    For example, Chamisso’s early dislocation from France to Germany critically shaped his perspectives, infusing his works with themes of alienation and identity.

    Literary Career

    Despite initially pursuing a military career, Chamisso’s literary prowess soon became evident. He joined the Romantic literary circles in Berlin and started publishing poetry and short stories.

    • Initial career in the military
    • Transitioned to literature in Berlin
    • Joined Romantic literary circles

    Hint: Chamisso often drew on the contrast between his French origins and German identity in his works.

    Botanical Expeditions

    In 1815, Chamisso embarked on a significant scientific journey aboard the Russian ship Rurik. This expedition allowed him to combine his literary talent with his growing passion for botany.

    • Year of Expedition: 1815
    • Ship: Russian ship Rurik
    • Main Interests: Literature and Botany

    On this expedition, Chamisso collected and documented numerous plant species. His work was meticulous and detailed, providing invaluable insights into Pacific flora. The voyage culminated in significant botanical findings, many of which are still referenced today.

    Botany: The scientific study of plants.

    Later Years and Legacy

    Adelbert von Chamisso continued to write and research until his death in 1838. His legacy lives on through his contributions to German literature and botany, influencing generations of poets and scientists.

    • Died in 1838
    • Contributions in Literature and Botany
    • Influence on future generations

    Adelbert von Chamisso: Peter Schlemihl Analysis

    Adelbert von Chamisso achieved literary fame with his novella Peter Schlemihl. This analysis explores its themes, characters and impact on Romantic literature.

    Plot Overview

    Peter Schlemihl centres around a man, Peter, who sells his shadow to the Devil for a bottomless wallet. As the story unfolds, he realises the true cost of his decision, dealing with themes of identity and moral integrity.

    • Peter trades his shadow for material wealth.
    • Faces social alienation due to lack of shadow.
    • Seeks redemption and understanding of true happiness.

    An excerpt from Peter Schlemihl: 'Whoever has no shadow, has no place in society.'


    The novella delves deep into several overarching themes that resonate with Romantic literature. The themes of identity and the human condition are very prominent.

    • Identity: Peter loses a part of himself by giving away his shadow.
    • Materialism vs. Happiness: Wealth does not equate to true happiness.
    • Moral Integrity: The consequences of making deals with the Devil.

    Hint: The shadow symbolises one's true self, a common motif in Romantic literature.


    Primary Characters: The novella features several key characters, each representing different aspects of society and human experience.

    Peter SchlemihlProtagonist who trades his shadow
    The DevilAntagonist offering the deal
    MinnaLove interest symbolising unattainable happiness

    Devil: In literature, a common figure representing evil and temptation, often making deals with humans at a great cost.

    A deeper look reveals that Peter Schlemihl mirrors Chamisso's own feelings of displacement and search for identity. As a French immigrant in Germany, Chamisso grappled with his sense of belonging, a struggle that is echoed in Peter's journey throughout the story.

    Adelbert von Chamisso Reise um die Welt

    Adelbert von Chamisso embarked on a remarkable expedition around the world in 1815 with the Russian exploring ship Rurik. This journey allowed him to cultivate his interests in botany and writing.

    Adelbert von Chamisso Influence on Literature

    Chamisso’s travels and personal experiences heavily influenced his contributions to literature. His unique background as a poet and botanist provided a distinctive lens through which he viewed the world, enriching his literary works.

    PerspectiveLiterary Influence
    Immigrant ExperienceDeep sense of identity and belonging
    Botanical KnowledgeInterweaving of scientific and poetic elements

    An example of his literary influence can be seen in his novella Peter Schlemihl, where themes of identity and alienation are evident due to his personal struggles as an immigrant.

    Chamisso was a member of the Romantic literary movement, which emphasised deep emotion, nature, and individualism. His works often highlighted these elements, setting him apart from his contemporaries.

    Adelbert von Chamisso Gedichte

    Adelbert von Chamisso's poetry, published in several collections, is an important part of his literary legacy. His poems reflect his diverse interests and experiences, blending nature, identity, and human emotion.

    • Lieder und Balladen (Songs and Ballads)
    • Gedichte (Poems)

    Hint: Chamisso’s poems often incorporate vivid imagery of plants and landscapes, reflecting his botanical expeditions.

    An example is his poem “Die alte Waschfrau”, which depicts the everyday life of an old washerwoman while reflecting on broader human conditions.

    Adelbert von Chamisso and Romanticism

    Adelbert von Chamisso was deeply embedded in the Romantic literary movement. This movement emphasised emotion, nature, and the individual's experience, elements that are prominently featured in Chamisso's works.

    Romanticism: A literary and artistic movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that focused on emotion, nature, and individualism.

    Chamisso’s integration of Romantic ideals is particularly evident in his emphasis on personal feeling and the sublime beauty of nature. His works often explored the individual's inner world, a hallmark of Romantic literature.

    Key Themes in Adelbert von Chamisso Literatur

    Chamisso’s literary works encompass a variety of themes that were shaped by his personal experiences, travels, and the Romantic movement. Understanding these themes can provide deeper insights into his prose and poetry.

    • Identity and Alienation: Reflects Chamisso’s own life experiences as an immigrant.
    • Nature: His deep connection to nature and botany often appears in his works.
    • Human Condition: Explores emotions, morality, and the intangible aspects of human life.

    In his novella Peter Schlemihl, the theme of identity is explored through the protagonist’s loss of his shadow, symbolising a loss of self.

    Hint: Look out for recurring motifs in Chamisso’s works, such as shadows and nature, which often symbolise deeper themes.

    Chamisso’s integration of personal and universal themes extends beyond his primary works. His scientific observations, documented in poetic form, highlight the intersection of art and science, a unique feature of his contributions to literature.

    Adelbert von Chamisso - Key takeaways

    • Adelbert von Chamisso: A German poet and botanist with significant influence on literature and science.
    • Peter Schlemihl: Chamisso's most famous work, a novella about a man who sells his shadow to the Devil, exploring themes of identity and materialism.
    • Botanical Research: Chamisso documented numerous plant species during his expedition with the Russian ship Rurik in 1815.
    • Poetry: His poems combine deep emotion with scientific precision, notable works include Lieder und Balladen (Songs and Ballads).
    • Biografie: Born in France in 1781, fled to Germany due to the French Revolution, and made significant contributions in literature and botany.
    Frequently Asked Questions about Adelbert von Chamisso
    Who was Adelbert von Chamisso?
    Adelbert von Chamisso was a German poet, botanist, and author, known for his novella "Peter Schlemihl's Miraculous Story" and significant contributions to botany. Born in France in 1781, he immigrated to Prussia and became a member of the Russian scientific expedition to the Pacific.
    What are the notable works of Adelbert von Chamisso?
    Notable works of Adelbert von Chamisso include "Peter Schlemihl's Remarkable Story", a novella about a man who sells his shadow, and his poetry collection, "Gedichte". He is also known for his botanical work, "Views and Remarks on a Voyage of Discovery".
    What is Adelbert von Chamisso's most famous poem?
    Adelbert von Chamisso's most famous poem is "Peter Schlemihl's Miraculous Story," a narrative poem about a man who sells his shadow to the devil.
    What are the key themes in Adelbert von Chamisso's literary works?
    Key themes in Adelbert von Chamisso's literary works include identity and alienation, the conflict between societal expectations and personal desires, the passage of time, and an interest in natural science and exploration. His works often reflect his outsider status and travels.
    How did Adelbert von Chamisso's background influence his writing?
    Adelbert von Chamisso's diverse background, including his French aristocratic heritage and life in exile, heavily influenced his writing by imbuing it with themes of displacement and identity. His scientific expeditions further enriched his work with detailed natural observations.

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    What is Adelbert von Chamisso's most famous literary work?

    How did Adelbert von Chamisso contribute to botany?

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