Figure 1: The official seal of the University of Bologna. Source: Wikimedia Commons
University of Bologna History
The University of Bologna is the oldest continuously running university in the world. It was known for its teaching of civics and law and for creating the foundation for medieval Roman law.
Consistent with the time, students were almost entirely men who were already pursuing careers in the church or state. Similarly, the first offerings of the university were in civics or law. In the early 13th century, medicine and philosophy were added as subjects. Science was added in the 17th century.
Foundation of the University of Bologna
The University of Bologna is believed to have been founded in the year 1088 AD by a group of students who formed a group to study together. It was most likely not a full-fledged university as we understand it today until the late 12th century. In 1158, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa granted a charter to the university.

Figure 2: A 14th-century depiction of a medicine lecture. Source: Wikimedia Commons. License CC BY 4.0.
The University of Bologna initially had no central location, but was instead made up of guilds of students who grouped together based on nationality. The foreign students established the nationales guild to defend themselves, since they were not protected as citizens.

Figure 3: A 15th-century image depicting students of the German Nation at the University of Bologna. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The 14th century saw an increase in supervision and oversight from the church over the University of Bologna. It wasn't until the 15th century that professors became publicly employed, with their salaries paid by taxes (rather than directly by students). Unfortunately, this also led to some highly qualified foreign teachers being sent away. The professors who remained were local and sometimes not up to par, which led to some deterioration in the quality of the teachings. Nobles were also granted the right to teach by virtue of their social class.
Despite ongoing issues with professors, ideas of Renaissance Humanism flourished at the University of Bologna.
The 16th Century and the Decline of the University of Bologna
In the middle of the 16th century, the growth of the University of Bologna as a bastion of free-thinking and knowledge came to a halt. Pope Paul III brought the Council of Trent to Bologna to get some distance from the hostile imperial territories. As a result, the University of Bologna became more focused on the Counter-Reformation and reorganized around strict principles under the church.
The cardinal-legate became a patron, and the archdeacon became the chancellor of the Studium. Together, they created a new supervisory body that solidified their economic and contractual power. Unfortunately, students at the time suffered as they lost control of their student guilds and their education. Students were also obligated to profess their faith, which led Protestant students (especially from Germanic countries) to leave the university.
The University of Bologna experienced a continued decline throughout the 17th and 18th century. While the population of Bologna boomed during the 16th century, they were met with plagues and famine in the 17th century.
The quality of the education at the university had also deteriorated because of the less-qualified teachers (mainly nobles, who could easily become professors with no qualifications besides their social status). Despite this, the university hired more professors–at its peak, there were four professors to every student. By 1668, to address the growing crisis, the university made the decision not to hire any new professors for twenty years. At the end of the twenty years, the professors and the supervisory board bitterly opposed any major reforms.
18th Century Re-Emergence of the University of Bologna
A small group of dedicated scholars met in private and established the Accademia degli Inquieti (the Academy of the Restless) to discuss possible improvements to the university's decline. Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, a noble and a scholar, invited the group to meet in his palace. Together, they created the Academy of Sciences of the University of Bologna in 1711. Marsili purchased the Palazzo Poggi for laboratories, libraries, and lectures to help open the doors of the university to modernity.

Figure 4: A 1750 drawing of the Palazzo Poggi. Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Academy of Sciences marked a new era of growth for the university as new subjects such as physics, mechanics, optics, obstetrics, electrochemistry, and chemistry were added to the curriculum. Women were also included as students at this time, including Laura Bassi (see below) and many others.
The university gained cultural significance in the 19th century with the unification of Italy. A celebration of the University of Bologna's 8th centenary in 1888 marked its revival and importance in the modern era. The number of students doubled over the next decade, and it grew into one of the largest universities in the modern world.
Twentieth Century
The university survived through the fascist regime of Mussolini, when the faculty and administrators swore allegiance to the regime. Fascist reforms backtrack free thought, as racial laws were passed in 1938. These reforms prohibited Jewish people from teaching (even though the university was one of the first in Europe to establish a department dedicated to researching the Jewish language, culture, and religion).
After those dark times, the fall of the regime in 1945 brought a celebration and renewed energy around the institute. Women grew to make up 26% of the student body and a thriving student life evolved. Students became active members of protests in the 1970s and 1980s and ushered the university into the modern era.
Importance of the University of Bologna
The University of Bologna is important in history not only because of its influence during medieval and Renaissance times, but for the scholars and famous works that have formed the basis for knowledge today.
Famous Work and Achievements of the University of Bologna
Scholars at the University of Bologna made strides in many areas. Highlighted below are members of the university who made contributions to mathematics, medicine, law, astronomy, physics, and obstetrics.
It was at the University of Bologna in the 16th century that Gerolamo Cardano along with Luca Pacioli, Scipione del Ferro, Niccolò Tartaglia and Lodovico Ferrari expanded the world of mathematics into modernity. Cardano discovered the algebraic solutions to third and fourth-degree equations. He also developed the new discipline of axonometry.
The University of Bologna is well-known for its expansions in the field of medicine. In particular, it is known for the practice of studying anatomy through human dissection.
Autopsies became a full-fledged area of study, building the foundation for the practice today. It also merged surgery with medicine and led to a greater understanding of the human body.
Notable Scholars
Hundreds of historically important members of the clergy, doctors, scientists, and politicians graduated from the University of Bologna.
Irnerius was a judge and professor of liberal arts and Roman law at the end of the 11th century through the early 12th century. He is often viewed as the founder of the University of Bologna, as he helped mediate the uprising between King Henry V and the people of Bologna to negotiate Bologna becoming a commune under the king.
Bettisia Gozzadini
Bettisia Gozzadini was one of the first women to obtain a university when she graduated from the University of Bologna in 1237 with a law degree. She also became the first woman to teach law when she became a professor at the university in 1239.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus is most known for his model that placed the sun at the center of the solar system, rather than the earth. Born in Poland, his first education was at the University of Kraków. In 1496, he studied canon law at the University of Bologna, and became the assistant to the famous astronomer Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara.
Figure 5: A bust of Nicolaus Copernicus at the University of Bologna. Source: StudySmarter Originals, Rebekah Glick
Laura Bassi
Laura Bassi was another woman who worked at the university. Born in 1711, she had been privately educated in philosophy, metaphysics, logic, and science. She was awarded a doctorate degree after impressing the university with her forty-nine theses on Philosophica Studia.
Laura Bassi was the first woman in the world to receive a doctorate in science and the second woman to receive a philosophy doctorate.

Figure 6: Laura Bassi. Source: Wikimedia Commons, license CC BY-SA 4.0.
The University of Bologna Today
Today, the university offers 101 different Laurae, or first-level degrees (which take about three years), and 108 Laurea specialistica (which take two years). Students can go on to pursue a Masters, then on to a specialized school (such as medicine) or a doctorate.
The university has a full-fledged campus made up of several buildings. There are satellite campuses in places like Argentina, Brussels, New York, and Shanghai. It continues to be regarded as one of the top universities in the world.
University of Bologna - Facts and Key takeaways
- The beginnings of the university were formed in 1088, making the University of Bologna the oldest continuously running university in the world.
- The church asserted its influence over the university during the Reformation period of the late 16th century and 17th century.
- A group of scholars found a sponsor in Luigi Ferdinando Marsili and helped revive the university in the early 18th century.
- The 18th century saw the university grow considerably and add women to its faculty and student body.
- The University of Bologna still operates today.