StudySmarter & STARK launch Corona support campaign for students
As part of a Corona aid campaign for pupils, StudySmarter, in cooperation with STARK Verlag, provides all learning content for all students completely free of charge in order to minimise the impact of school closures on the preparation for the Abitur.
The further spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 is to be curbed in several federal states by closing down all schools. These measures pose great challenges for all pupils, especially when preparing for the upcoming Abitur examinations.
Corona support campaign for pupils
In order to support students, the unlimited use of the StudySmarter learning platform is completely free of charge since Friday. In cooperation with STARK, all textbooks of the publisher and thousands of exercises can be learned chargeless. Herewith StudySmarter & STARK want to enable students to prepare for exams autonomously and independent of location.
Since the beginning of the support action, the benefits have been noticed by more than 350,000 students. StudySmarter Premium licenses worth 19 million euros have been granted free of charge.
StudySmarter offers students and teachers the opportunity to exchange information digitally and to form learning groups. This improves extracurricular communication and enables mutual support. In addition, all premium functionalities on the StudySmarter learning platform such as further community features, a download function for all content and further learning tools will be available to all students free of charge.
Click here for the app.
About StudySmarter
StudySmarter is a leading EdTech start-up from Munich. The spin-off of the TU Munich & LMU Munich develops an intelligent and content-independent platform for lifelong learning. The StudySmarter learning platform was first published in 2018 and is currently used by more than 850,000 learners in the DACH region. StudySmarter has been named the best EdTech start-up in Germany and Europe by university representatives and education experts. The startup is headquartered in Munich and employs more than 30 people. StudySmarter’s vision is to use state-of-the-art technology to enable everyone to achieve their educational goals. Further information:
About STARK Verlag
STARK Verlag is the German market leader in the field of exam preparation. Over the past 40 years, STARK has helped more than 20 million students throughout Germany to pass their exams with its books. The publishing house supports learners from pre-school through to the Abitur and when starting their studies and careers with books and workbooks that fit perfectly – many of them with digital supplements. More than 2,5001,000 authors and 200 employees ensure that new books are published every year that correspond to the curricula of the federal states and are oriented towards the latest developments in education. STARK Verlag is part of the Pearson publishing group, the world’s largest educational company. Further information: